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10 Tools to Increase Your Social Media Followers

by | Social Media

Are you struggling to increase your followers? Don’t you wish there was an easier way to do this? What if we told you there was? Sounds unreal right? But the honest truth is, it doesn’t have to be this difficult.

With the right tools and the right strategy, you can increase your following and create a loyal community. 

We know, social media can be a whirlpool and super annoying to navigate, we have all been there.

The best part is, you don’t have to do it alone! When it comes to increasing your followers, trying to do that in isolation may not be the best way forward.

What you must do is create a holistic digital marketing strategy that engages, enriches, and excites your audience to want to read your content.

Once you start focusing on these things, your followers will automatically increase! Let’s get into 10 tools that will help you sort out and enhance your social media!

A must read: 15 Latest Social Media Management Tools Released in the Market

1. Scheduling and Content Curation:


Imagine juggling Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn like a master multi-tasker.

Hootsuite makes it possible! Schedule posts, track performance, and analyse engagement across platforms from a single, intuitive dashboard. Say goodbye to late-night scramble posts and hello to organised efficiency! (Free and paid plans available)


Feeling overwhelmed by content planning? Buffer has your back. Queue up a week’s worth of Tweets, Facebook updates, and Instagram posts in advance, ensuring consistent audience engagement.

Their “Discover” tab acts like a content goldmine, suggesting shareable articles and videos to keep your feed fresh. (Free and paid plans available)

2. Hashtag Generators:


This Instagram and Pinterest powerhouse is like a secret decoder ring for the language of hashtags.

Analyse existing hashtag performance, discover relevant ones based on your niche, and schedule pins for peak visibility. Watch your engagement soar as you tap into the hidden power of trending topics! (Free and paid plans available)


Break free from generic hashtag chains! This tool generates targeted hashtags based on your keywords, giving your content a laser-like focus.

Take inspiration from your competitors’ hashtag strategies and gain valuable insights into what resonates with your audience. (Free and paid plans available)

3. Engagement Enhancers: Keeping the Conversation Flowing:


Imagine a superhero headquarters for managing all your social media conversations.

Agorapulse lets you respond to comments and messages across platforms in real time, schedule social listening to stay on top of brand mentions, and track sentiment analysis to understand your audience’s mood.

Be present, be responsive, and watch your community thrive! (Free and paid plans available)

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Like a tireless PR agent, Mention scours the web and social media, alerting you whenever someone mentions your brand.

Identify potential influencers, track brand sentiment, and proactively engage in relevant conversations. Be the first to know what people are saying about you, and turn conversations into loyal fans! (Free and paid plans available)

4. Content Creation Champions: Crafting Captivating Visuals:


No design skills? No problem! Canva empowers everyone to become a visual storytelling expert. Drag-and-drop your way to stunning social media graphics with their vast library of templates, stock photos, and icons.

From eye-catching Instagram Stories to informative Facebook infographics, Canva unleashes your creative potential. (Free and paid plans available)


Banish blurry stock photos from your feed! Unsplash offers a treasure trove of high-resolution, free-to-use images that fit every mood and theme. Find the perfect visual complement for your content and elevate your social media aesthetics. (Free to use)

Explore further: 11 AI Tools for Social Media Management

5. Collaboration and Automation: Your Productivity Partners:


Instagram mastery just got easier. Schedule posts, stories, and Reels in advance, collaborate with your team on content creation, and analyse post-performance.

Later’s intuitive interface and powerful features transform Instagram management into a streamlined process. (Free and paid plans available)


Imagine setting your social media on autopilot! IFTTT lets you connect your social media accounts with other tools and services to automate repetitive tasks.

Cross-post content automatically, send welcome messages to new followers, and trigger actions based on social media events. Free your time for strategic thinking and watch your workflow flow! (Free and paid plans available)

Remember, tools are like powerful ingredients. They elevate your content, but the heart of the dish lies in your strategy and engagement.

Analyse your results, experiment with different approaches, and nurture your audience with valuable content and genuine interactions.

Building a loyal following takes dedication, but with the right tools and mindset, you can conquer the social media mountain and establish a thriving online community!

Bonus Tip: Dive deeper! Each tool offers a wealth of features and resources. Explore, learn, and tailor your toolkit to your specific needs and social media goals.

Here are some additional resources that can help you stay ahead of the curb: 

  • Social Media Today: Stay informed about the latest trends and strategies.
  • Sprout Social: Learn from social media experts and access insightful data.
  • Hootsuite Blog: Uncover practical tips and best practices for managing your social media presence.

Hopefully, after this guide, social media marketing doesn’t seem as intimidating to you! You aren’t in this alone! So, fellow marketers, arm yourselves with these potent tools, chart your course with a clear strategy, and embark on your journey to social media!

Go experiment, conquer but most importantly, have fun with it! If you’re looking for any other tool recommendations, from branding to automation, you’re in the right place! Toolcano has something for all your digital needs!



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