Home 9 Blog 9 The Easiest Pinterest Marketing Strategy + 9 Pinterest Marketing Tools

The Easiest Pinterest Marketing Strategy + 9 Pinterest Marketing Tools

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If you think that Pinterest is a platform only for inspiration, you are far from the truth. Pinterest is a platform that has the power to give your brand the recognition it deserves! We know that starting your Pinterest journey can be a little confusing but we’ve got your back! We’ll break down a simple yet effective approach and explore nine powerful tools to streamline your workflow and maximise your reach.

I. Understanding Pinterest Marketing

What is Pinterest Marketing?

Pinterest marketing is the strategic use of Pinterest to achieve your marketing goals. It’s a form of visual marketing that involves creating and sharing captivating content (Pins) on boards that cater to your target audience’s interests.

Benefits of Pinterest Marketing

  • Brand Awareness:

    With over 518 million active users [Source: Pinterest], Pinterest offers a massive platform to showcase your brand and its identity.

  • Website Traffic:

    Compelling Pins with clear calls to action can drive significant traffic to your website or landing pages.

  • Lead Generation:

    Use Pinterest to capture leads by offering valuable content in exchange for email addresses or other contact information.

  • Increased Sales:

    If you have an online store, Pinterest’s buyable pins allow users to seamlessly purchase products directly from the website.

  • Improved SEO:

    Optimised Pins with relevant keywords can contribute to your website’s search engine ranking.


Let’s get down to the Pinterest Marketing Strategy

1. Setting Up Your Profile:

Creating a Business Account:

This unlocks valuable features like Pinterest Analytics and advertising options.

Optimising Your Profile:

Write a compelling bio that describes your brand or niche. Use high-quality profile and cover images that visually represent your brand identity.

2. Strategise Your Content:

  • Understanding Pinterest Boards:

Create boards around specific themes or topics relevant to your target audience. Titles act like keywords. Use clear and concise board titles and descriptions optimised with relevant keywords.

  • Creating Compelling Pins:

High-quality visuals are the most important part! Use captivating images or videos and ensure they are clear and relevant to your board’s theme.

  • Explore Different Pin Types:

  • Standard Pins:

Images or infographics linked to your website.

  • Product Pins:

Include product pricing and availability directly on the Pin.

  • Idea Pins:

Multi-page video Pins perfect for tutorials or storytelling.

  • Video Pins:

Short video clips that grab attention and showcase your product or service in action.

3. Keyword Research and Optimization:

Identifying Relevant Keywords: Conduct keyword research to understand what your target audience is searching for on Pinterest. Tools like Pinterest Trends or free keyword research tools can help you identify popular terms.

4. Building Your Audience and Engagement:

  • Following Relevant Accounts and Boards:

Follow influencers, brands, and boards related to your niche. This exposes your content to a wider audience and helps you stay updated on current trends.

  • Curating Content from Others:

Re-pin content from other users and boards to add variety to your own profile and showcase your taste. Don’t forget to always give credit to the original source.

III. 9 Pinterest Marketing Tools to Supercharge Your Strategy

Like with any other platform, using the right tools can significantly enhance your workflow, amplify your results and make this journey super easy!

Here are nine powerful Pinterest marketing tools for you to choose from:

1. Tailwind:

Tailwind is a popular all-in-one Pinterest marketing tool offering scheduling, analytics, and audience growth features. Schedule your Pins in advance for optimal posting times, track their performance, and discover new communities to expand your reach.

2. Later:

Later is a social media management tool that integrates seamlessly with Pinterest as well. Schedule your Pins, manage your content calendar, and even optimise your link in bio (if you have a Pinterest Business account) – all from one centralised platform.

3. Canva:

Just because you aren’t a graphic design pro, doesn’t mean you can’t use Pinterest! You can create stunning visuals for your Pins with Canva. This user-friendly online design tool offers a vast library of templates, fonts, and icons specifically tailored for Pinterest graphics.

4. Pexels & Unsplash:

If you don’t have your own photos or videos, these free stock photo and video websites offer a range of royalty-free content.

5. Google Analytics:

At the end of the day, Pinterest is an effective search engine, and integrating it with Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into its performance compared to other traffic sources.

6. Mentionlytics

While social analytics typically focus on measuring your own performance, it’s equally important to monitor how others are creating and sharing content about your brand. Mentionlytics can help with this aspect, providing insights into brand mentions and discussions across various platforms.

7. Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest’s built-in analytics tool is ideal for accessing data directly on the platform.
If you frequently publish Pins manually or browse the home feed for inspiration, you can easily switch to the Analytics tab to get a quick overview of your recent performance on Pinterest.
Additionally, Pinterest Analytics provides insights into current trends, which can be valuable for brainstorming new content ideas.

8. Piktochart:

Infographics are great for visual storytelling and driving engagement. Piktochart lets you resize graphics for optimal visibility on Pinterest and publish them directly to your profile with one click.

9. SocialPilot:

SocialPilot is your all-in-one social media management tool that takes care of Pinterest alongside other major platforms. Schedule your Pins, track their performance, and gain valuable insights – all within a unified dashboard.

By using these steps and tools, you can build a strong Pinterest marketing strategy that increases traffic, engagement, and brand awareness. Remember, success on Pinterest comes from being consistent. Regularly post quality content, interact with your audience, and review your results to keep improving. With effort and the right tools, Pinterest can greatly boost your online marketing. Before you go, don’t forget to explore the wide range of tools we have curated for all your digital needs here at Toolcano!



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