Home 9 Social Media 9 11 Lesser Known Social Media Tools That Can Change Your Social Media Game

11 Lesser Known Social Media Tools That Can Change Your Social Media Game

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Businesses that know how to optimise their social media strategy will always be one step ahead of the curb. Having a strong online social media presence establishes brand credibility and increases customer satisfaction. It adds a human touch to your brand and helps differentiate your brand from others in your industry.

A 2018 research showcases that 40% of users prefer shopping from a company with an engaging social media presence.

However, having a strong social media presence requires an immense amount of effort and consistency. It can get overwhelming and mundane. Using the social media tools and platforms to optimise and automate your Social media strategy changes your social media game and yields impactful and sustainable results!

Here are 11 lesser known social media tools that can elevate your social media presence:

1. Brandwatch

Brandwatch is a social media monitoring and analytics tool that helps you track brand mentions, sentiment, and social media conversations across multiple platforms. It offers a customizable dashboard and advanced analytics features such as social media listening and sentiment analysis.

2. Traackr

If you’re looking to get into influencer marketing, this one’s for you. Traackr is an influencer management platform that helps brands identify and engage with influencers. It provides a suite of tools for influencer discovery, relationship management, and performance measurement.

With Traackr, brands can find influencers who align with their values and target audience, build relationships with them, and measure the impact of their influencer marketing campaigns.

3. Lumen5

Repurposing content is smart. It helps you stay consistent. Lumen5 is a video creation tool that helps you turn your blog posts and articles into engaging videos. It offers a variety of templates, images, and music to choose from and uses AI to generate video content automatically.

This tool is different from other video creation tools because it’s easy to use and doesn’t require any video editing skills.

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4. Hashtagify

Getting the right hashtags makes sure your content reaches the right audience. Using Hashtagify helps you monitor your performance and suggests the right hashtags while identifying Twitter influencers.

5. Oktopost

Here’s something special for B2Bs. Oktopost is a social media management platform where  B2B marketers can streamline their social media efforts, measure the impact of their campaigns, and improve their social media ROI.

It is perfect for those wanting to establish their social media presence for the first time without coming off as too sales oriented.

6. TowerData

If you’re looking for a tool for your email marketing, this is it! TowerData is a data services provider that offers email intelligence solutions to help marketers enhance their email marketing campaigns.

Its suite of tools includes email verification, enrichment, and segmentation, which help to improve deliverability rates, personalise content, and target specific audiences. By leveraging email intelligence data, TowerData helps marketers create more effective email campaigns that drive engagement and conversions.

7. Followerwonk

Followerwonk is a Twitter analytics tool that helps you analyse your Twitter followers and find new ones. It offers a variety of analytics, such as follower growth, demographics, and activity, and allows you to search for Twitter users by keywords, location, and bio.

This tool is different from other Twitter analytics tools because it focuses on finding and analysing followers, rather than just analysing your own account.

8. BuzzSumo

Here’s another social media analytic tool to transform your social media strategy! BuzzSumo helps marketers analyse content performance, identify influencers, and benchmark against competitors.

Its content analysis tools provide insights into popular content, competitor performance, and audience engagement, while its influencer identification tools help marketers find influencers with the greatest impact.

Finally, its competitor analysis tools enable marketers to benchmark their social media performance and identify areas for improvement. Overall, BuzzSumo helps marketers optimise their social media campaigns and drive better results.

9. Twilio

Don’t forget about Whatsapp! Whatsapp is a great platform to engage with customers. Twilio is one of the social media tools used for marketing. Twilio is a cloud communications platform that offers a range of APIs for building messaging applications.

Its WhatsApp Business API solution allows businesses to send and receive messages on WhatsApp, automate messages using chatbots, and integrate WhatsApp with other business systems. Twilio also offers analytics and reporting tools to help businesses track and optimise their WhatsApp campaigns.

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10. Crello

Looking for something similar to Canva? Say hello to Crello! It’s a graphic design platform that offers a wide range of templates and design tools for creating social media graphics, marketing materials, and web content.

It features a user-friendly interface, a library of over 30,000 templates, and an extensive collection of images and illustrations. Crello also offers the ability to collaborate with team members and integrates with popular social media platforms.


SmarterQueue is a social media scheduling tool that helps you create and schedule content for multiple social media platforms in advance. It offers a content calendar to visualise your social media posts and allows you to recycle your best-performing content automatically.

This tool is different from other scheduling tools because it uses AI to suggest the best time to post your content and to optimise your content for each social media platform.

Before you start using these tools, the first step would be to identify which areas of your social media strategy need optimization. Having a strong social media presence is crucial and to ensure you’re maintaining an effective social media strategy using tools can be a game changer!

If you’re looking for more such tools, definitely have a look at ToolcanoToolcano has a list of over 100 curated marketing apps to help your online presence scale seamlessly!


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